How to aim world of warships legends
How to aim world of warships legends

how to aim world of warships legends

Aircraft Carrier Citadels are easy to hit from both vertical and horizontal angles.

  • To deal maximum damage to enemy Aircraft Carriers, AP Shells are once again the way to go.
  • Against similar Battleships, use AP Shells when the Battleship is more or less at broadside ( less chance of richochet, or the Shells bouncing off of enemy Battleship armor) Use HE Shells when they are at a tougher angle ( HE Shells do not ricochet regardless of the target’s angle).
  • how to aim world of warships legends

    Well placed AP Shells against Cruisers can eliminate them in one Salvo. The improved armor plating of Cruisers mean that they are less prone to Overpenetration unlike the Destroyer-class warships. Against Cruisers, AP rounds are the way to go.Battleships should use HE rounds when the target is a Destroyer ( since AP rounds will only Overpenetrate Destroyer Armor).

    How to aim world of warships legends